Beachside Iftar Perfection

We’re in the first week of Ramadan and Iftar’s the only thing on my mind the moment I wake up!
Beach House has been making a ton of noise ever since it relaunched its new menu and revamped its food offers - so, I’ve been looking to give it a try for a while now! Iftar seemed like the best opportunity to give it a go.
I recently had an incredible Iftar experience at Beach House, right by the West Bay coastline in Doha. It was one of those evenings where everything just fell perfectly into place - except for the chilly weather!
As we walked into the beachside oasis, the atmosphere was quite inviting. The tables were nicely decorated, with the stunning Doha skyline stretching out before us. Despite the chilly weather, it was the perfect evening for a Ramadan dinner outdoors, with the promise of a cup of steaming Karak tea to warm me after I was done my Iftar feast! The gentle waves of the sea reminded us that we were right beside the beach, adding an extra layer of tranquility to our dining experience.
And let me tell you, the food was a true delight! I even had a delightful chat with the chef afterwards. 
We started with an assortment of appetisers, including deliciously warm lentil soup, savory samosas, refreshing tabbouleh, and the ever-cooling quintessential Ramadan beverage, Amar al Din. Each bite was a burst of flavor, setting the stage for what was to come.
Next came the main courses—the class Ramadan salad, Fattoush, and succulent Mixed Grills accompanied by spiced rice with chicken. The aroma alone was enough to make our mouths water, and the taste did not disappoint. Tender meat, perfectly seasoned rice—it was a feast fit for royalty!
Of course, no meal would be complete without dessert, and Beach House did not disappoint. I indulged in the rich flavors of Umm Ali, a traditional Middle Eastern bread pudding, paired with a comforting cup of Karak tea. It was the perfect ending to an unforgettable evening.
As the night came to a close, I couldn't help but reflect on the magic of the moment. The beautiful setting, the delicious food, and the possible company of loved ones— if they ever visit, it was a Ramadan Iftar to remember. 
If you ever find yourself in Doha during the Holy Month, do yourself a favor and experience Beach House. Trust me, you won't regret it! 
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